“Children’s books - A fascinating place, where a child can be transported to a world of their making, just through the turn of a page. It is this magic that has inspired me to pick up a pen and begin writing, not only for my children, but for children everywhere!”

— Daniela Rumeo

When the World Got Sick

What started out as a fun way to explain the global pandemic of 2020 to my son turned into my very first children’s book. It wasn’t until I read it aloud to my nieces on a video call that I realized I wanted to publish it.

The book focuses on life in quarantine and making the most of it as a family and community. I hope that you find the timeless messages of helping one another and being a good neighbour ones that you and your children will enjoy.

This book is dedicated to my late grandmother, who was sadly a victim of COVID-19. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to COVID-19 aid.

(Ages 2-5)

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Media Coverage


Thank you to CTV News and Lyndsay Morrison for this wonderful coverage and helping to share the story behind our story #WhenTheWorldGotSickBook!


Antonio Giorgi from TLN also provided wonderful coverage of #WhenTheWorldGotSickBook and helped to continue to share our story!

Get in touch!